Monday, April 3, 2017

Moral of the story

A always had his own version of the moral of any story he heard. And they made total sense to me too..
Hare and the tortoise: don't run too fast .. Else you will get tired and get leg pain.
The blue jackal: Run carefully else you will fall in the blue paint.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


While driving back home our car hits a pothole and my poor 4 year old A hits his head on the door.
My immediate reaction: So sorry A. Are you okay
A: I am fine. And not you mamma..the guy who dug that hole in the middle of the road should say sorry.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Bow wow

Me to my one year old A: look bow bow.
A gives me a confused look.
Me: Look bow bow.
A with a very stern look: Dog.

Moon my best friend

R looking at the sky in the evening from the car window..
R: the moon loves to fly no?
Me: :)

Sky is broken

R: mamma look the sky is broken
Me: it's a rocket or a jet plane R
R: oh! So the rocket broke the sky.